All the fun


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cookie table!

What’s a Cookie Table? A cookie table is a sweet tradition of baking cookies from family recipes for guests to enjoy! The tradition likely originated among European immigrants during the Great Depression when couples could not afford much more. Bonus points for Kolaczki!

Our story


Jenn and Dylan - the bride and groom

Jenn and Dylan met in 2005 believe it or not. Quickly became best friends (maybe more 🤫) over the years and fatefully crossed paths again in 2018. They’ve been inseparable ever since. Good things come to those who wait!





Wendy is Jenn’s bff



Caitlin is Jenn’s bff



Christopher is Jenn’s bFF

grooms party


OUR Master of ceremonies

Matt is Dylan’s bff



aldo is Dylan’s bff


Jose is Dylan’s BFF